Board of Directors Minutes
Approved 03/07/02
Present:Koch, Gemmer, Anthony, Fell, Frisbie, Olsen,
LaVrar, French, Bardizbanian, Varady, Brooks, Capozzo, Sottana
Ex-Officio: Chesarek
Guest: Pat Grace
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m. Minutes of January 3, 2002
Olsen motioned to approve, Bardizbanian seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Anthony motioned that the excess revenues from 2001 ($11,000)
be made available in 2002 and that each member receive a $2.00 monthly credit
($1.00 for associate members) on their monthly billing commencing March 2002.
A letter of explanation is to be sent with the billing. Gemmer seconded, the
motion carried. (One abstention).
10 Year NEB Representative
On behalf for the 2002 Board of Directors, Koch honored Pat Grace with a plaque
in recognition of his dedication and service as a GVCC representative for ten
years and a NEB Executive Committee Member.
The North East Bay Association of Country Clubs (NEB) consists of sixteen clubs
which meet quarterly to report on the activities of their club. The information
contained in the reports are useful to our Board of Directors and Club management.
Each meeting has a guest speaker. The topics cover a wide range of issues particular
to private golf clubs.
The Northern California Golf Association (NCGA) has scheduled 13 meetings in
the Bay Area for 2002. Koch noted that any Board member was welcome to attend.
Minimum Selling Price
No adjustments at this time. The minimum selling price will be discussed at
the March 2002 Board of Directors meeting.
Membership Sales & Notations
The Board of Directors took note of four Notices to Sell and six reductions
in the selling price of a membership. All will be effective February 8, 2002.
Greens: OUTSIDE TOURNAMENTS - After reviewing the advantages
and disadvantages of outside tournaments, the green committee feels it is appropriate
to continue scheduling these events at the Club. Story is attending a Green
Superintendent's seminar in Orlando, Florida.
Golf: OUTSIDE TOURNAMENTS - After reviewing the advantages
and disadvantages of outside tournaments, the golf committee feels it is appropriate
to continue scheduling these events at the Club. The 2003 outside tournament
fees will be discussed by the committee in the near future.
House: An informative meeting to update new and returning
members on the progress of purchases, estimates and plans for 2003.
Tennis: Court usage has increased from 2001. The tennis
calendar of events will be mailed soon. The committee has tabled for future
consideration the March 2002 ballots for a tennis class of membership.
Membership: The committee discussed various ways to promote
Club sales.
F&B/Social: No meeting. Subject to C.I.F. funds,
Capozzo will purchase three tables with wings to create round tables when necessary
for casual Club dinners.
B&G: No meeting.
Pool: Discussion on dates for pool opening, swim team
sign up, practices and swim lessons. There was also a discussion on the Fitness
Center. The committee is working on a second plan for the Fitness Facility in
the event that the Long Range Planning Committee is delayed.
Old & New Business
Member Correspondence: A member requested that current
selling information be placed in the KEY. Due to deadlines, CURRENT information
cannot be placed in the KEY. In an attempt to keep the membership informed of
selling prices, Varady motioned that the prior month listed selling prices be
placed in the KEY as well as a notation that CURRENT information can be found
on the Golf Pro Shop bulletin board and the Club's website. Olsen added that
the KEY notice state "subject to change without notice." Gemmer seconded,
the motion carried.
Membership Committee Transfer Fee to a Son or Daughter:
Tabled until revision. Olsen is contacting Lavezzo for revision.
Employee Parties: The Board of Directors agreed with
Capozzo's recommendation of no alcoholic beverages at the Summer Employee Pool
Party. The discussion for the Employee Christmas Party was tabled.
House Rules: LaVrar suggested to mail a yearly update
of the House Rules with the Directory.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Anne Gemmer, Secretary